Man Ray was born on August, 27, 1890 in Philadelphia and passed away on November 18, 1976 in Paris. He was an American Photograph, Movie Director, Painter and Object artist. Man Ray is one of the best known protagonist of DADA art and Surrealisms. Due to the complexity of his work he is often attributed to Modern Art. He is especially known for his groundbreaking work in Photography and Experimental film. His portraits of his contemporary artists are also a document of the cultural life of Paris and New York in 1920s.
Marcel Duchamp was born July 28, 1887 in Blainville-Crevon. He passed away on October 2, 1968 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France. Duchamp was a French-American Painter and Object Artist. He is co-founder of the movement of Concept-Art and was a strong protagonist in the DADA and Surrealism movement in Europe and America. His strong influence on the New York Avant-garde scene helped to develop DADA in America.
Marius de Zayas Enriquez y Calmet, * March 13. 1880 Veracruz, Mexico; † January 10. 1961 Stamford, Connecticut.
Mexican caricaturist, painter author and Gallerist, that was mainly active in New York during the 1910s and 1920s. In 1911 De Zayas began to publish the magazine 291 in collaboration with the Art critique Paul Haviland, the artist patron and journalist Agnes E. Meyer and Picabia. The Magazine was named after Alfred Stieglitz Gallery 291. The works on paper shown in this context where published in this magazine, that was meant to be the forum of the New Yorker Avantgarde.